(2021) The story of a family and a special dress, handed down from mother to daughter, during times of fortune, loss, tragedy and victory, by the world’s favourite storyteller, Danielle...
“Curses can turn into blessings, though not always will the timing be so convenient!” Although this period has been stressful for everyone. It has also given many of us the...
‘Kate Quaile,’ he said. ‘I like your name.’ Kate frowned. ‘How do you know my name?’ Throughout their four years at university, Kate and Max are inseparable. For him, she...
novel about a young woman determined to make her way in the wilds of North Carolina, and the two men that will break her isolation open. For years, rumors of...
To the millions of readers who fell in love with R J Palacio's Wonder, Julian is best-known as Auggie Pullman's classroom bully. White Bird reveals a new side to Julian's...
Who Do You Think You Are is a children’s book with delightful illustrations and short prose. It is a philosophical story for all ages and for all humankind. It is...
Do you feel like you are too nice? Sherry Argov’s Why Men Love Bitches delivers a unique perspective as to why men are attracted to a strong woman who stands...
Against all the odds, Dolly Rawlins and her gangland widows managed the impossible: a heist their husbands had failed to pull off – at the cost of their lives. But...